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This course looks at the various electric vehicle & hybrid technologies available to users and the H&S implications when dealing with these vehicles. Learners will be required to identify the key components of the EV & Hybrid side and how to power up and power down these systems safely. For those in the roadside and recovery industries, emphasis will be placed on the safe isolation of the vehicle prior to loading and/or recovery of the vehicle.
To give Learners a good, basic understanding and eliminate the fears around working with EV and Hybrid vehicles. Risk assessing and prevention as well as the information and basic First Aid techniques needed to employ in the event of an injury.
AWARE Series is the tailored framework of professional, unique and bespoke courses meeting your business requirements whichever industry you’re in.
From e-learning development, online, legislative DCPC to our externally accredited Institute of the Motor industry, JAUPT or QualSAFE courses, the AWARE Series is both designed and delivered by industry experts to meet all your training needs!